Outdoor Painting Series
The village of Falicon
Wednesday 26 February 2025 09:00am - 13:30PM
1 Place du thé de la Reine, Falicon
In 2025 we are introducing a new set of events; three plein air painting excursions to areas in Alpes Maritimes and Var. We think this will be a wonderful opportunity to get outside and paint while enjoying some beautiful spring days.
Our first event will be in the village of Falicon. Motifs to paint here are the beautiful views over the landscape, quaint old buildings, and village scenes. The program for this day will be:
Painting 9-12, then lunch at a local restaurant at noon, everyone pays for their own lunch. Feedback and critique after lunch. We will finish around 13:30 but anyone who wants to stay and paint in the afternoon is of course welcome to do so.
Transportation: there are buses going to Falicon and for those who want to drive we encourage carpooling.
Restrooms: public restrooms in the village as well as in the restaurants.
While registering you must indicate if you are staying for lunch in the local restaurant as we need to make a reservation ahead of time.
This excursion is aimed towards independent painters since no instruction will be given. You can bring easels or paint in a sketchbook. If you have a camp chair or a portable stool, consider bringing that.
If the weather is bad, we will cancel the event since the goal is to paint outdoors.
Detailed information about location and transportation will be given to those who sign up.
Ticket is €10 for members
€12 for guests and non members.
*Closing date for registration is 10 February 2025
(Registration not fully paid by closing date will be cancelled and a person on the waiting list will be offered your place.
Registration cancelled AFTER the closing date will not be refunded.)
If you need more info, please contact:
Lo Peyron Mathews
+1970 846 9000 WhatsApp