Tales from the Intrepid Traveler

Tuesday April 4 2023 10:30-15:00
Le Koudo Restaurant, 28 Promenade des Anglais, 06000 Nice
Birgitta Lindqvist will share her incredible experiences during the Cultural Revolution in China when she was one of the very few foreigners living in Beijing.
Birgitta is a well-known Swedish writer who will also read her own translations of poems by the young poet, Yu Xiu Hua. Birgitta has been following the developments in China since the time of the Cultural Revolution and in 2018 she visited Yu Xiu Hua in the Wuhan Province in China. This is sure to be a fascinating and insightful talk about China, its history and its culture.
On arrival guests will be served coffee, after the talk lunch will be served. Please indicate your choice of menu while registring for the event.
Velouté de la saison
Saumon mariné façon Gravlax, à l’aneth et aux saveurs d’agrumes
Plat Principal
Cabillaud nacré, purée de patate douce, jus corsé aux framboises fraîches
Quasi de veau à basse température aux aromates, pomme de terre écrasée et légumes de saison
Mousse au Chocolat
Water, coffee and One glass of Wine is included.
*Please choose 2 courses from the above options while registring: One Entree with One Plat principal OR One Entree with One Dessert OR One Plat Principal and One Dessert
Price: €25 Member, €37 Guest(non-member)
(Registration not fully paid by closing date will be cancelled and a person on the waiting list will be offered your place. Registration cancelled AFTER the closing date will not be refunded.)
*Closing date for registration is March 24 2023.
If you need more info, please contact:
Gabriella Legillon and Lo Mathews
Anne Kennedy @ +33 6 40 19 56 35